Search Results | calm technology

Your search for "calm technology" returned 145 results

Which Periodic Element Are You?

While the periodic table of elements might seem boring, the elements can be fiery and reactive just like people. Take this quiz to find out which element you are most like!

Mobile Device Distraction as Effective in Kids as Sedative

Can mobile devices work just as well as medication in certain hospital situations? Learn more about a new study in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Uncovering the Power of Amazonite Meaning: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses

Discover Amazonite meaning: a soothing gemstone of balance. Explore its calming properties and spiritual significance. Dive into Amazonite's world.

Which Military Aircraft Are You Meant to Fly?

You yearn to fly high in a jumpsuit! That could mean many things! Do you want to know what equipment you should fly in the U.S. military? Take this quiz to find out!

Russian Gun-wielding Robot Totally 'Not a Terminator,' Says Russian Official

The android known as FEDOR used pistols to display its decision making and dexterity, officials said, not as a preview of robot warfare.

What Would Your Job Be in the Army?

They say it takes 10 men (or women!) in reserve to put one in the field. From logistics to strategy to medical to being that person in the field who they're supporting, which role suits you?

What Would Your Job Be in the Pokemon Universe?

Just like in the real world, the Pokemon world is filled with regular people who work interesting jobs. Have you ever wondered what you might be doing if you lived in the Pokemon Universe? Take the quiz to find out!

Can we control the weather?

To control the weather we would have to come up with some technology straight out of science fiction. Find out if we can control the weather.

The Mysteries of Mercury Retrograde Unveiled: A Cosmic Phenomenon

Unlock the mysteries of Mercury Retrograde, its impact on astrology, and how to navigate its cosmic waves for personal growth.

9 of the Largest Chicken Breeds

Whether you're a chicken keeper looking to increase egg production or just curious about the largest chicken breed, here's a list of the giants by weight.

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